In the world of websites and online marketing, a "conversion" occurs when a visitor to your site completes a desired action. This action can vary depending on your goals, but it often includes activities such as purchasing music, signing up for a mailing list, or making a donation. Conversions are essential for measuring the effectiveness of your website in achieving your goals, whether that's growing your fan base, selling more music, or raising funds.

This Help article includes:

  • Conversion features on Bandzoogle
  • Tracking sales conversions
  • Maximizing conversions

Conversion features on Bandzoogle

Bandzoogle provides various features designed to help you achieve conversions on your website. Here's a breakdown of where conversions can happen on your Bandzoogle site:


  • Selling music: One of the primary conversion points is through the music store. Fans can purchase your music directly from your site, whether it's individual tracks or full albums. This direct support is not only beneficial financially but also helps in building a stronger connection with your audience.
  • Streaming and downloads: Offering free streams or downloads can also be a form of conversion. This can help in engaging new listeners who might eventually become paying fans.

Mailing list signup form

  • Building your mailing list: Growing your mailing list is crucial for maintaining direct communication with your fans. With Bandzoogle, you can create customizable signup forms to encourage visitors to join your mailing list. This conversion is key for ongoing engagement, as it allows you to send newsletters, updates, and promotional materials directly to your fans' inboxes.


  • Merch sales: Beyond music, your Bandzoogle store can sell a variety of merchandise, from t-shirts to posters to digital goods. Each purchase made through your store represents a conversion and supports your career.
  • Bundles and discounts: You can create special offers and bundles that encourage visitors to make a purchase. These promotions can increase the likelihood of conversions by providing added value to your fans.


  • Accepting donations: Bandzoogle allows you to accept donations directly through your website. Whether you're fundraising for a new project or seeking support for your ongoing work, enabling donations is a straightforward way for fans to contribute. Each donation is a valuable conversion that supports your music.

Tip Jar

  • Receiving tips: The tip jar feature is an easy way for fans to show their appreciation for your work with small contributions. This can be particularly effective during live streams or after releasing new content. Every tip is a conversion that reflects your fans' support and generosity.

Tracking sales conversions

To monitor the effectiveness of your website and understand where your conversions are coming from, you can track them through the 'Reports' tab in your Bandzoogle account. Here's how you can access and view your conversion data:

  1. Click on your 'Reports' tab
  2. Choose the specific date range you want to see conversions for. This can help you analyze performance over time or during specific campaigns.
  3. Click 'Sales' in the left-hand menu to view detailed information about your sales conversions including music, merchandise, ticket sales, and other transactions.

Maximizing conversions

To maximize conversions on your Bandzoogle website, consider the following tips:

  • Clear calls to action: Make sure your calls to action (CTA) are prominent and clear. Whether that's by including a 'Call-to-action' feature in your header with a 'Buy Now' button for your music, or a 'Sign Up' button for your mailing list within a 'Mailing List Signup Form' feature, the CTAs on your website should be easy to find and understand.
  • Engaging content: Regularly update your site with engaging content. This keeps visitors interested and more likely to complete a conversion.
  • Analytics: Use Bandzoogle’s built-in analytics tools to track your conversions. Understanding which parts of your website are performing well can help you optimize for better results.

By leveraging these features and strategies, you can enhance the effectiveness of your Bandzoogle website in converting visitors into engaged fans, supporters, and customers.