Tracks can be removed at any time. This is helpful if you’ve uploaded the wrong track, incorrect version, or simply want to remove a song. We offer two ways to do this. The first is through the Music feature, and the second is through the File Manager.

To learn how to add music to your website, please view the 'Adding Music' Help article.

Deleting individual tracks

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click the music feature where your track is listed, to open it
  2. Click the '...' icon to the right of the track name and select one of the two following options
    • Remove: Removes the track from that specific music feature
    • Delete this track completely: Completely deletes the track from your account

      Note: The 'delete' option cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.

Deleting an 'Album' or 'Single' feature

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, open the page where your album/single is located, and hover your cursor over the feature — click the ‘trash’ icon in the top right corner of the feature

Note: This removes that particular music feature from your page but the album and tracks remain saved in your account, in case you’d like to post the album again.

Deleting music from the File Manager

  1. From the ‘Edit Content’ tab, click ‘Pages’
  2. Select ‘File Manager’ from below the list of pages
  3. Click ‘Music’ in the tabs listed
  4. Delete a track, single, or album
    • Album: Scroll to the 'Albums' section of the page, and click the '...' icon to the right of the title of the album you want to permanently delete from your account. Click the 'Delete' option in the drop-down menu. You'll see a pop-up asking "Are you sure you want to delete this album? This action can't be undone." - click the red 'Delete' button to complete the removal.


      • Any tracks that are not also in other albums will be deleted.
      • This deletion cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.
    • Single: Scroll to the 'Singles' section of the page, and click the '...' icon to the right of the title of the single you want to permanently delete from your account. Click the 'Delete' option in the drop-down menu. You'll see a pop-up asking "Are you sure you want to delete this single? This action can't be undone." - click the red 'Delete' button to complete the removal.

      Note: This deletion cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.

    • Track: Scroll to the 'Ungrouped tracks' section of the page, and click the '...' icon to the right of the title of the track you want to permanently delete from your account. Click the ‘Delete’ option in the drop-down menu. You'll see a pop-up asking "Are you sure you want to delete this track? This action can't be undone." - click the red 'Delete' button to complete the removal.

      Note: This deletion cannot be undone, so proceed with caution.

Note: Bandzoogle staff does not have the ability to ‘undo’ music deletions or the removal of features, so proceed with caution when deleting anything from your website.